24/7 Emergency Wrecker Service

Accidents are happening every day, all over the United States. There's multiple accidents that happen right here in East Texas yearly. The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to be prepared for an accident. Here at Henderson Wrecker, we are available to help you 24/7. That means no matter, day or night, we can come to your aid! We are the leading wrecker company and will provide you with the best emergency wrecker service. We understand that accidents and car trouble are very scary and unsettling. Let us take the tough part and get your vehicle off the side of the road. We will tow it to any location of your choice. There's nothing we can't tow, including heavy-duty trucks, motorcycles, and all makes and models of vehicles. We will send you a trained specialist that's ready to handle the emergency situation at hand as soon as you call us.


**Check out our safety tips below so you can stay safe during an emergency**

Tips for Drivers to Remain Safe During an Emergency

  • If you can move your vehicle, pull it over to the side of the road and out of the way of traffic, preferably on the shoulder
  • Turn on your hazards to signal to other drivers that you are not moving
  • Place reflective cones along the backside of your vehicle
  • If you have been involved in an accident, call 911 and report the accident
  • Check your vehicle for injured passengers
  • Check vehicle(s) involved in the accident for injured passengers
  • Stay calm and try to keep others calm
  • Exchange ID, contact, and insurance information
  • Call Henderson Wrecker for your emergency wrecker needs

Items to Keep in Your Vehicle in Case of an Emergency

  • Cell phone along with a charger
  • First Aid Kit
  • Reflective cones