Fuel Delivery

Running out of gas is something that takes up a lot of extra time. You're stranded on the side of the road, waiting for help to arrive, and there's literally nothing you can do until they get there. How long will it take? How long will you be waiting? When you call Henderson Wrecker, we will dispatch help to you immediately. Our professionals will deliver two gallons of fuel to you so you're able to get back on the road. We have multiple locations, so that means we are able to provide fast service and get to you in a timely manner. You'll be back on the road in no time, when you call Henderson Wrecker! This service is offered 24/7 around the clock, so anytime you need assistance, we are here for you! Day or night, every single day. Call us now and let us help you out!

Still Have Fuel In The Tank?

There's no need to worry if you're stranded, but still have fuel in the tank. It's very likely you're experiencing some kind of vehicle disablement or mechanical issue and your vehicle will need to be towed. Henderson Wrecker provides emergency towing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so we're able to help you out! Read More>>